
When there’s an incident happening on the transport infrastructure, or there’s an activity scheduled to be performed, this infrastructure it is equipped with cameras, sensors and other devices that transmit information to the operators and control centres, sometimes in real time so the operators can take the needed actions. However, there are incidents occurring in areas that are not being monitored by any equipment in the infrastructure and/or in areas that are hard to access. For these situations, current solutions lack of a rapid response time, clear real-time view/information of what is going on, limiting the capacity of response.

Drones can become key players in the monitoring and operation of transport infrastructures, in particular, due to their flexibility to take images/video and easy access to areas that may be congested or difficult to access and even to locate accidents in an early manner.

The ambition of this use case is to optimize and enhance transport control, operation and infrastructure management activities, such as traffic management (traffic status and incidents) and monitoring and maintenance of road conditions with the use of drones.

This use case will develop, deploy and test an integrated drone solution for drone operators and transport control centers.

Three demonstrators will be deployed in this use case:

  • Traffic Management: Detection and early response to traffic incidents
  • Port Operations: Support applications in ports
  • Railway Infrastructure: From inspection phase to maintenance activities